Sunday, December 28

and then there was sand..

well i feel kinda bad. but not really. this whole laid back "island style" has really got me caring less about posting. so maybe when we reach the mainland i'll pick up again. right now the ocean and sun are blinding out the words in my brain.

although the day after christmas the whole island lost power, and the last time that happened was in 06 after an earthquake. it just so happened that it was the night we chose to go on the "ghost tour" they take you around to the active spots on the island. and man was it cool. got quite a few photos of that.

well i'm gonna say aloha and see you next year! (today is our 13 year anniversary)

Friday, December 26

74 oooo moving pictures

here is a little video to keep you warm.......

or click here

Wednesday, December 24

73 ah....

Much better than -2F.

if you look closely you can see my newly acquired assortment of blisters.. owie.

so how did you spend your christmas eve?

Tuesday, December 23

72 Night View

So Yesterday was our travel day and travel we did! First we find out at noon our initial flight for 2:45 was canceled. So because our Trans-pacific flight wasn't till 5:30. Our only option was to drive over the pass which a day before they had closed! So with fingers crossed we booked on over(left at 1) and made it to Sea-Tac by 4:15. Got through the ticketing and security in record time and our plane didn't end up leaving until after 6pm. So we arrived at the hotel at 11:30 local time(+2 for PST) and were greeted with this view...


I took this tonite, as i was so enamored with everything today i didn't think to take my camera anywhere(can you imagine?) I promise tropical photos soon.

Monday, December 22

71 breakfast

mmmmm a little nosh before we head out

So wish us luck. And if the fates are with us we'll be in Hawaii by 9 pm tonite!

Sunday, December 21

70/365 snow...

so it snowed a whole damn bunch! (15+ inches) and the snow was falling so gracefully and looked like perfect versions of themselves. this was the only decent photo i was able to take.

Saturday, December 20

69/365 little modeling...

she wore it all night, at least while we were there and even to dinner... i teased her about the face she is making. her mother (grandma) hated to have her picture taken and would always stick her tongue out. in fact we don't have a single candid photo of her without(seeing) her tongue.

Friday, December 19

68/365 and a hat to match

Back in february my mom was flipping through one of my Vintage'esq kint/crochet books and spied a "jacket" that she liked(top left). so after much pleading on her part, i caved. the jacket is done as all one piece, think capital T with the tops joined, and in GARTER STITCH(knit repeat, repeat). So i quickly knit up a small, as per her instructions, and it was WAY to small. so i had to completly rip it and start again. this time it took me a lot longer as i was bored with the whole thing and making a Large. but i finally finished it!

but it wasn't quite enough i thought so i made her a quasi matching hat for christmas. if you look closely you can see the Diamonds....


Thursday, December 18

67/365 its red

got some cotton yarn awhile back and made some washcloths because it felt so good once i knitted it up. and on the "wrapper" it had a couple of patterns for dishcloths. so i knitted one up today. not too bad. i think I'll give it to my ever practical mother for christmas.

Wednesday, December 17

66/365 newest aquisition

In search of new fibers, friend in tow, off to the yarn shoppe we went and the dang thing was CLOSED!!! so we hit a craft store(usual overpriced yuppie crap) and found nothing. Then next door to the fabric/decorator place and happened upon their clearance bin! found these 18 84yds(9 of each color) CASHMERE 14% wool 72% blend by lion brand! at (brace yourself) 60%off(org 8.29)!!! i about passed out! Now i am not one to hoard fibers. but this deal was just way too freaking good to let pass me by. I mean how often do you come across this kind of bargain? i do have a plan for these so never fear.

Tuesday, December 16

65/365 I have a problem

Hello, my "name" is Devi and I'm a DS addict.

So my hubby has a queer habit of having to check the pawn shops for music stuff such as amps/guitars and I usually drag my feet because I don't get a kick out of looking at items that people have either had to give up because they need money or stolen shit.

But in September I spied with my little eye a Nintendo DS. OOOOOO and it was only $100 with charger, a snazzy hard carrying case and a game. SQUEEEE. so i've been glued to this thing with brain age 1 & 2, the Sims Castaway(which I beat) and with a subscription to Game Fly I'm now stuck into Super Mario Bros. which growing up poor i was "deprived" of as a child. today the Simpsons game came and that is proving a fun one too. I figure it'll keep me busy on the plane.

Monday, December 15

64/365 frosty.... no snowman

So our main entry is an addition to this old farmhouse of ours. It also serves as a laundry room, the entry to the cellar and home to the refrigerator as there is no room in the kitchen. This room is also not particularly well insulated. At times it feels colder in there than outside! So with it being so cold now, i happened to really look at the door and saw these...

Sunday, December 14


its so cold here. it got to a high of 16. 16 as a high! if i had balls they would have icicles. at least there is some snow so its pretty outside. but on the down side... the pipes have frozen sold. so no hot shower.

Saturday, December 13

62/365 guess whats its doing?

the big pine at the front,

view from the 2nd story,

front yard at about 3 this afternoon.

ya know, yesterday I just cleaned up the garden. pulled the tomato plants and cages. got rid of all the sunflower skeletons. If i had procrastinated any more, well it would have been months. there is now about an inch or so of the super fine dust on everything. from the yard, the patio, the driveway all the trees around us, at least from what we can see.

its still snowing actually. so that makes at least 12 hours now. i am a happy girl.

Friday, December 12

61/365 bare bones

the trees of windy ridge. you can certainly tell from which direction the wind blows.

so glad that we went when we did. its been trying to snow here all day, and succeeded in the mountains as low as 2,000 ft. its supposed to be in the upper 20's for the high and the low singles at night, for the next coupla days. my shirt has holes in it just thinking about such cold weather! we just "sealed" the windows and vents today, glad thats out of the way. wind is blowing hard now. must be time for cocoa and a book...

Thursday, December 11

60/365 excursion

ooo look snow! there was about 2-3 inches. we were above 6000 ft.

if you look carefully you can see Mt. Rainier 14,410

this is Windy Ridge. Guess how it got its name.

its just gorgeous up there. we took the camp stove and had a hot lunch with cocoa and tea. threw snowballs at each other and had a wonderful time!

Wednesday, December 10

59/365 Mesa Table w/ ponderosas

I am determined to hike this, may have to wait till spring/summer...

Tuesday, December 9

58/365 spider spider

when i took this picture i was trying to only capture the spider but the camera wouldn't focus. so a whole blossom shot is what i ended up with. there is also a bee? or maybe a fly of some kind. but the spider is so pretty and delicate, can you find her?

Monday, December 8

57/365 leaning...

There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile
he found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile
He had a crooked cat, who caught a crooked mouse
and they all lived together in a little crooked house

thats all i could think of when i saw this shed/garage.

Sunday, December 7

56/365 soon.....

now while its true that i didn't take this picture... in 2 weeks i should be able to take one just like it. we are going to the island of oahu for my belated birthday, christmas, our anniversary and new years. we'll be back on the 5/6 of January. while this will be his first off continent expedition it will be my first with him. i am really looking forward to it, but not to the work i have to do first...

my very good dear friend --- Badger

Saturday, December 6

55/365 ah rural pleasures...

Just in case you are unfamiliar with this tradition... in parts of the rural west(at least that i know of) we have what is called an Implement light parade. An Implement is a farm or service vehicle, now they take these vehicles and cover them with lights and tinsel and those sparkly rope tinsel thingys. Everybody in the town and surrounding area(s) come with their children, parents with lots and lots of layers with blankets and don't forget the lawn chairs!

this was a big turn out compaired to previous years(i didn't post all of them). lasted about an hour went with my sister, mom and my nephew. it was cold but fun.

on another note i finally finished my mothers knitted jacket. pictures soon.

Friday, December 5

54/365 Loverly

the evening was particularly beautiful tonite and it only lasted 10 minutes or so. then it became pitch black. i can't wait for the returning of the sun, 18 days and counting....

Thursday, December 4

Wednesday, December 3

52/365 Hike

yes i know that its the first of dec but for some reason it hasn't been all that cold yet(pray the gods didn't hear me). So i went on a hike with a dear friend. and look what i got to see...

Small pool at the base of the first and major falls

the falls and cliff from below

the two streams feeding the falls where the join and cascade over

close up of the same

shaky pic i know but the only one I have from up above

small "mature" wild mushroom

farther up stream smaller falls

taller small falls even farther upstream.

this stream was actually undercutting the side rock.

end of the "deer" trail.

the water was very cold and tasty. there were lots of different kinds of fresh scat from elk to dear even cougar i think, a little scary. it has been raining here in the hills lately(no snow yet) so it was really muddy. almost had a few accidents! but we lived (obviously) and had a wonderful day.